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Preventing diarrhea.

Diarrhea can occur frequently in our daily lives, and gastrointestinal infections are the main causes of diarrhea. Maintaining cleanliness and choosing hygienic foods can prevent infections that lead to diarrhea. Follow these basic recommendations: Although diarrhea is usually not a serious symptom. It can be

How to Treat Premenstrual Symptoms at Home?

There are many ways to relieve premenstrual symptoms. But some methods may not work for some people. Therefore, patients should try a variety of methods to find the method that works best for them health. Some of the methods may include: You should see a

How to treat and cure frequent hunger?

Frequent hunger in each person may have different causes. Therefore, you should not take appetite suppressants without consulting a doctor or specialist. Because it may be harmful to the body. In general, the doctor will diagnose the cause clearly before providing treatment. The treatment plan